My Music

Creating my own music is how I explore my emotions and the constantly circling sounds inside my head, typically through combining intimate guitar and piano composition with richly harmonic strings and delicate textures.

This playlist will introduce you to my sound, or scroll down to see my music videos and full discography.

Through Winter Eyes is an intimate piano and cello duet from my album A Shifting Lightness, featuring a breathtaking cello performance and accompanied by this beautiful video.

Words Like First Light is a piece for a small orchestral ensemble taken from my album A Shifting Lightness.

I often hear musicians talk about how their best songs came naturally to them in minutes, but Words Like First Light began with an idea that took me two years to develop, through 12 major revisions and painstaking rearrangements.

After all of that, it took me by surprise that this piece has become one of the ones I'm most proud of on the album.
