Recording Studio and Audio Engineering

I'm a technically minded person (read: nerd) and the engineering side of music and audio appeals to me just as much as the creation side.

I am so grateful to have my own studio to work from, where I record and mix music as well as film audio.

Please feel free to get in touch if you're interested in recording together, or if you have something that needs an engineer's touch. I'd love to hear about your project.

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recording studio interior with view outside to a valley

Located one hour north of Auckland, New Zealand, the studio was acoustically engineered by Tim Farrant of Buzz Audio, lovingly hand-built over a summer, and recently upgraded. It's both an intimate yet high quality production room as well as a creative retreat, with the surrounding landscape offering a quiet space to think and write.

black and white photography of toetoe plant in front of valley and range of hills

This is where I spend 90% of my time, it's a difficult place to leave. I have also enjoyed working here with many talented and inspiring artists including Alayna, This Pale Fire, and Jeremy Redmore.

horses grazing in hilltop paddocks

And what studio is complete without some resident horses?

Levi Patel working at recording studio desk

Special thanks to my friend Sam Clarke for these photographs.